Courses of Action

How am I going to take over the internet, and the world?, you may be asking. I haven’t quite figured that out. I have to go back and watch The Net, with Sandra Bullock, and then I will know everything about the web and hacking and world domination.

So for the time being, I will just be relaying stories and anecdotes from my everyday life. Sometimes they’ll be quite factual.

I also have my Facebook page, which you can find on the right side of the page, or by going to Facebook and searching for @frontlinedadblog. There I post random thoughts or just strange occurrences that I feel are vitally important to the very existence of this universe.

From time to time, I will also be providing reviews. Of what? Whatever I want. Products that I like that I consider useful to parenting. Products I like that have nothing to do with parenting. Movies that are good for kids. Movies I let my kid watch that are definitely not suitable for kids. TV shows and cartoons my kid watches on an endless cycle. Things from the 80’s that randomly pop into my head. I will be grading these things on a random scale based on different sized ammunition:

The above chart shows just some of the different sizes I could use. The bigger the round, the better the review. Learn this chart. Memorize this chart. I will test you on it later. Or I won’t.

If you have a recommendation for me of something I should check out, I would love to hear about it. Either comment on my page or go to my Facebook page and drop me a line or request. I love feedback, except from Mike, who is the biggest online troll, so usually his stuff just gets deleted. But I encourage max participation whenever and wherever possible. And please, share share share, so I can get my blog out there, but more importantly, so I can become super rich and famous and finally get a real job!