The Mission

My mission is to amuse myself.

Ok, let me look for the altuistic mission. Hmm…ok, I want to empower other Stay-at-Home Dads who have felt the belittling eye of the world as they silently judged them for foregoing their manly duties of hunting for food and stealing money from the weak in order to provide for their families, or some crap like that.

I want fathers to be kickass dads. I want to provide a useful outlet where dads can relate to one another in various ways. Like going to the bar, or a ballgame, or a strip club. Except via on-line and social media. For some reason, in today’s world, being a good dad seems to be looked on as an oddity, which is complete BS but that is how the movies, television, and other modes of media portray it. And that is why I will UNITE ALL DADS around the world to become more powerful than you can possibly imagine! Or, at least, I’ll demonstrate just how inept at parenting I really am and why The Wife usually comes home to me and my daughter generally in an epic battle of wills.

Honestly, my mission is to have some fun and make people laugh and demonstrate that former Pipe-Hitters are caring, loving individuals who value family above all else.